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I'm Kate.


My purpose is to come alongside leaders and hold them up so they can perform at

their very best.


What does this mean? 


I was raised going to church, so a lot of my reference points connect to Bible stories.

And there is one that illustrates my work better than anything else I've encountered.


In the Old Testament, when the Israelites were wandering in the desert and about to enter battle, the Lord told Moses that as long as he stood above the battlefield and kept his hands raised, they would win. And Moses did it; stood with his arms raised. The Israelites looked like they would win.


But have you ever stood in one place trying to keep your arms lifted up? It's hard. Really hard! Naturally, Moses got tired and his arms dropped. When they did, the Israelites began to lose. 


Moses' brother, Aaron, and another priest saw this, so they came alongside Moses and raised his arms. They didn't cheer from the sidelines or tell Moses to give it 110%. Aaron didn't try to take his brother's place. He got right there, close to his leader and offered him genuine, literal support.


And the Israelites won.


See, some people are here to lead, to be Moses. Their work is to put the effort into directing their teams to achieve great things. And some of us are Aaron. We are here to support those of you who lead in tangible, practical, and effective ways. That's me. I am an Aaron.


This is why I founded onetwentythree ltd: to support leaders so you and your teams can succeed in a complex, messy, and always-changing world.


My work is driven by the personal values of excellence, humor, and compassion. I am committed to demonstrating these, while using uniquely creative approaches to meet your needs. Whether it's one-on-one coaching, team training, learning and development strategy, talent and succession planning, or evaluating ways to improve culture and employee engagement, I am here to work at your side, for your success.


Read on to see what others have to say about working with me.


I would love to connect to learn more about your unique leadership challenges and how I can come alongside to support you.

"I had the pleasure of working with Kate on a large scale visioning project for our organization. She quickly engaged in the collaboration with enthusiasm and ideation. Kate’s creativity coupled with her detailed processes set the group up for success. She brought energy and intelligence to every meeting and was a vital asset to our great results. Kate is incredibly talented and I hope we have an opportunity to work together in the future."

Lanie D., OH

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